ORDERS MAY NOT SHIP IMMEDIATELY AS I AM CURRENTLY RUNNING 1-2 WEEKS BEHIND SO PLEASE BE AWARE OF THIS WHEN PLACING YOUR ORDER! If your size and style of grips is out of stock, more will be added on a daily basis so please wait! Thank you!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between “regular” and “narrow” width gymnastics grips for girls, and how do I know what kind to buy?
Regular or narrow width refers to the width of leather covering your palm. A regular width gymnastics grip provides a bit more coverage across the palm and is a good choice for higher level gymnasts who spend a lot of time at practice. If you weigh 120 pounds or more, you should definitely purchase a regular width. A narrow width grip allows the gymnast to “feel the bar” more. You might want narrows if your hands are very small, or you are new to wearing dowel grips. That being said, regular or narrow comes down to personal preference. Sometimes your coach might specify what they’d like you to wear as well.

What is better for me - velcro or buckle gymnastics grips?
Velcro grips are easy and fast to put on and take off. They are great for someone who is new to wearing grips just because they are easy. Velcro does have a lifespan and is only good for so many “cycles” though, so your velcro grips will last longer if you don’t fidget with them while you are waiting in line during bars. Every time you open and close them, you are wearing down the velcro’s strength so once you put them on, leave them alone and they will last much longer!

Buckle grips come in either single or double buckle closures. There really is not a huge difference between the two choices but double buckles have an added benefit when your grips get older... If a buckle comes loose you still have one buckle keeping your grips on!

How often do I need new gymnastics grips?
Gymnastics grips can last a very long time. Does this mean you should still be using them though?

Here’s how to tell: If your grips are hard or feel slippery on the bar, you need new ones. If they are too short, or too long (dangerous!), you need new ones. Any rips or tears in the leather definitely means you need new ones! Because Ginnasta USA grips are made using a different leather and process, they fit when you get them and don’t need a long break in period. You’ll notice they feel like they are actually “gripping” the bar when they’re new. If you are practicing many hours per week and are a higher level gymnast, you will go through grips faster.

Think of it this way: If you are a runner and run everyday for an hour, should your running shoes last you 2 years? Absolutely not! Gymnastics is one of the most demanding sports there is, utilize the tools to make it easier on you. Fresh gymnastics grips that fit properly DO improve your performance, and are much safer than old grips!

{A personal story about new gymnastics grips: My daughter is a level 8 gymnast and I make her get new grips every 6 months or so. She fights me every time because she remembers the old days when new grips were hard as cardboard and needed at least 2 weeks of breaking in.

Well, if you’ve experienced Ginnasta gymnastics grips, you know this isn’t an issue because they start off the correct size, don’t need breaking in, and are comfortable from the get go.

Every time my daughter gets that new pair and complains, she also apologizes when I pick her up from practice that evening and says, “I always forget how grippy these are and that I don’t have to break them in.... sorry, mom”. Ha!}

How can you say gymnastics grips by Ginnasta USA don’t need breaking in? That’s not possible!
It’s hard to believe, but it IS true! I have hand delivered gymnastics grips to local girls on the day of a meet (because they forgot their grips at gym!), and had them compete on them that same day. One of our level 10 gymnasts had torn through her old grips the day before a meet and didn’t have a backup pair (not good!) so I brought her a new pair for the meet. She took 1st place on uneven bars wearing brand new grips. Our claims are not just claims, they are based on real experiences from gymnasts of all levels. The leather we use for our grips is specially processed only for us by a leather tannery in the United States. Once we receive the leather, it goes through another 48 hour proprietary strengthening process before we begin to make each pair of grips by hand. It IS possible to make gymnastics grips that are comfortable and don’t need to be broken in. We are doing it!

How do I know if I need dowel grips?
Your coach knows your ability and will tell you when it’s time.

What should I wear for flying trapeze?
You might be here because you read about Liz’s experience with our grips here:


You can do a search on her blog using the keyword “grips” or “Ginnasta”. I speak with a lot of flying trapeze artists and find each one has specific needs. Overall, I think most people end up ordering men’s high bar grips with a single buckle closure, but some prefer women’s dowel grips because they are longer.

Please feel free to email us to discuss your specific needs!


What type of gymnastics grips are good for crossfit?
We offer palm guards with 3 or 4 finger holes depending on how much coverage you want. We have our 3Guards and also QWOD grips. Some people even use our Rookie Beginner Grips which just have 2 finger holes.